Monday 17 October 2011


The term BBW (Big Beautiful Women) to me simply means fat women. Afterall, women in general are already beautiful. There are people out there who thinks BBW means women with big upper assets or just full figured/curvy women.

Well, i dedicate to my BBW mentors whom i feel gives the sexy back into women who are fat. Geezz....saying the word FAT seems so insulting to me! But still, can't deny the truth there.

The very captivating Sara Ramirez, she puts the sexy back in all BBWs. 

My most favourite BBW is Sara Ramirez. She's the reason i watch Grey Anatomy. She's all that meat on them bones, lot of confidence, great smile, just beautiful in my eyes. She's my no. 1 celebrity i look at when i want to be inspired or motivated. I read that she had her insecurities when it came to certain scenes in Grey Anatomy where she has to flaunt her body (i.e. dancing in her undies!) but it's something that the writers want in their show, how woman actually look, not some stick thin anorexic model.

Next comes Queen Latifah. Her look is always sleek and chic although i read that she prefers to be casual than dressing up for red carpets. Her movie characters are always strong, full of spunk, to-your-face and always interesting to watch. Cheers to you my Queen!

Another outstanding BBW is Melissa McCarthy. Instantly loved her as Suki in Gilmore Girls and when i saw her in Bridesmaid, I was a little taken back at the loud boyish character but still, as an actress she showed she got what it takes. Instantly likable and someone we all can relate to. There's always that fat girl in the group who's always funny and bubbly, she fits that bill.  

Kathy Bates. Wow. Hearing that name, your mind instantly think of the movie `Misery', based on Stephen King's novel. It's been a long time since that movie and many other roles she has taken (ie Failure to Launch, Titanic,  but none as effective as playing Annie Wilkes. The latest movie i saw her is `A Little Bit of Heaven' and upon seeing her, I smiled. She has such a presence, such aura.

A recent photo of Rosanne Bar.
Rosanne during her sitcom years.

Rosanne Barr. Now that's someone we haven't heard of for a while. When i saw her in her sitcom, I just love her vivacious, funny but no nonsense mother character. She's sure something else to watch. Over the years she lose weight but she never became stick thin. Recently i heard she's running for President? Well, good luck, m'dear.

Chandra Wilson a.k.a Dr Miranda Bailey
Chandra Wilson is up next. I must admit i have only seen her act in Grey Anatomy but it stuck to me and i simply loved her no-nonsense character. She has won numerous awards for her role in this series and it shows why. 

Gabourey as Claireece in the movie Precious
An old picture of her during `Rosanne' years.

She took Hollywood by storm. Gabourey Sidibe took the role as Claireece "Precious" Jones and i bet her life changed in real life after that. A check in Wikipedia showed she won 14 awards and was nominated 15 times for that her first breakthrough. It was that effective and it speaks volumes to me that people want to see real life scenarios on the screen. We escape real life to see movies and sometimes movies like these makes us stayed glued to the screen, simply because it's different and it's real. I've to admit that i was put off at first seeing her in Precious but as it progresses, I sat through the whole movie and in the end, I really thought she did an impressive job. Recently I read that she has lost 50 pounds! Congratulations, girl! She done it out of health problems and that's always the best motivation for people like me. I'll definitely continue to watch out for this force of nature.
Look out for this one.

So it goes to show BBW do have a place in this world where Barbie likes are preferred. Except of course, we have to work extra hard to excel in this type of uphill battle. May the force be in all of you, my little, after all, is like a box of chocolates. 

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