Thursday 6 October 2011

Exercise Exercise Exercise

Okay…….this part is my weakest. Snip off Samson’s long hair and he loses his power, as in Superman with Kryptonite….same scenario with me and exercise.

I don’t like the huffing and puffing part as it reminds me of my asthma attacks, just thinking of it makes me want to reach for my Ventolin inhaler! Neither do I like the idea of sweaty pits, wet patches in the t-shirt which outlines the bra…face turning red and struggling to look all cool when inside I feel like diving into a tub of ice. Forget about the burn at my carves and pinching pain on my lower back, how about my bruised ego when people turn to stare and actually laugh seeing all that. Yeah…that all happened at my both attempts to jog last week.   

After losing 10kgs, it has been a struggle to lose more. I figure that I cannot possiblily eat anymore less than I already am, afterall, I’m aiming to learn how to eat rather than be in a diet. So I guess a try is to up my exercise regime. For the past 4 months, I’ve been faithfully cycling on my recumbent exercise bike, a good investment for someone overweight with back problems like me. I started with 15mins and gradually increased to 50mins. I must watch a tv series or a good movie in order to not feel like I’m doing it, like, forever. It can get rather boring but still, I managed to get my heart rate up to 140 to know I’m burning calories and getting a good workout. Pat on my back, it’s a HUGE change for a couch potato like me. I mean, I do housework and I’m always on the move but to actually exercise is sometimes I haven’t done in……wow….more than 15 years.

If I were to surf the internet on for weight loss bloggers who are successful, I somehow, always see that the exercise regime that works is running. Very often, it’s a slow jog and later a run. And pretty soon, they’re running marathons! My sister lost and maintained her weight by running. She does other exercises too but running seem to be her primary regime and she really seem to enjoy doing it. 

Perhaps I was a little too over zealous to just suddenly jog like that. Even from secondary school, I hated it and when I did it last week, the feeling didn’t change. I could feel every fat cell in my body jiggling and wobbling, I was very conscious of all that. I think even if there’s no one around at that park, I myself would be my greatest critic.

But still, I shouldn’t pass this jogging thing so fast. Perhaps next time, I’ll do a big walk first and very, very slowly pick up from there.

I’ll still continue to see what else I can do for exercise. My next try is an old favorite of mine……..dancing. Woo Woo!!!!!!

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