Thursday 20 October 2011

Recently I read from FatFighterTV that there is a personal trainer who is making himself fat on purpose. That caught my attention immediately. So much so, i feel it deserves to be mentioned here in my blog.

His name is Drew Manning and judging from this photo, you can see the very obvious changes he made of himself. Since May this year, he has put on 70 pounds and it seems he's not done yet. His mission is to put on a lot of weight for 6 months and then lost all that weight in the next 6 months. He calls it the `Fit 2 Fat 2 Fit' journey.

In his interview, he talked about how he's putting all that weight with no exercise and unrestricted diet. He also experienced what his clients means as food craving and the withdrawal symptoms. It's awesome reading that from a totally fir people before this. It's awesome that someone would want to know how we, obese people, feel.

Is this some kind of hoax or publicity stunt? Photos can be altered and there's just too many people seeking attention these days. I'm out of there if somehow later, we have to pay to know his progress or later find out this is all a stupid joke. Well, for me, it's worth following his progress and i would appreciate any advice and tips he can offer from his experience.

You can follow his journey at I know i will.  Good luck, Mr Drew!!

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