Saturday 3 December 2011


I've long been a red carpet follower, a celebrity watcher of Hollywood. What they wear, what they do, whatever juicy gossips (however true or not is actually irrelevant), they all interests me. 

This person, Jennifer Hudson, however, it getting rather irritating to watch. She started from American Idol, then on to winning an Oscar for her role in Dream Girls. But this two events are nothing compared to the publicity she's getting from losing weight. Every single remark i get for the past 2 years have been about how much weight she's losing, how great she looks, she being a Jenny Craig spokesperson, blah, blah, blah.   

Me, jealous? I've search that within me but the answer is NO. I'm forever looking for people to inspire me and give that `If she can do it, so can i' feeling. For the first few pictures of her losing weight, yes, I was impressed but after that, it gets irritating. Like a fruit fly in my face.


So, to give her a place in my blog is a just prize for her efforts. But please, don't keep rubbing it on my face.
During her American Idol days
A size 16 on 2006

She won an Oscar for Dream Girls on 2007
During her pregnancy on 2009

Hence forth, the below is the current new her....sigh......a size zero. Enough? Let's move on......

 Someone please get me some chocolates.

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