Monday 22 August 2011

Lady Snow Swan

Yesterday during dinner at a restaurant with my family, as we waited for our food to be served, a family arrived seated next to our table. The waiters set the table up extra wide as there were, from what I observed 3 families to be seated. My eye caught one of the family members, a lady probably in her 30's with one son and her husband. Another lady is with her husband and 2 sons while another is with 3 sons and a maid. I don't know if they're related or maybe the 3 ladies are friends, the husbands hardly talked!

Now this lady in her 30's was something to look at. Let's call her Lady Snow Swan, the name just popped into my head as I recall her. Lady Snow Swan was wearing a one piece spaggatti top shorts, material probably nylon with spotted leopard like pattern. Her shoes black strap platforms. Oh yeah, us girls notice all that within seconds! I was trance fixed at her, looked like she wasn't wearing any bra, her assets looked bouncy, my eyes searching for any evidence of straps peeking out and my mind thinking how nice it (or rather she as a whole packaged) looked. Her skin is fair, smooth and clear though it looks like she might have applied foundation AND powder all over the body as it's the same intonation at her face. I can't say her make-up was heavy but it wasn't subtle either. Does she always dress this way for dinner?

She was in fact a little too overdressed, a little over made up as the restaurant wasn't any star rating, not air conditioned. One of those local Chinese restaurant which has stalls during lunch time and a `tai chow?(they cook dishes as we order it, usually more on seafood) during dinner time. But still, she was something to look at, vision her as one of those higher society ladies (without all that jewelries and stuck up look). As I stared, I suddenly realized my husband calling to me. He then asked if I wanted a tissue to wipe my saliva dripping from my gawking mouth. Ha ha ha.

Later as we were eating, I can't help but to sneak at Lady Snow Swan ever so often. She didn't speak much compared to the other 2 ladies. She has some meat on her bones, she isn't one of those stick thin models and she did eat her dinner, how much, I couldn't crane my neck long enough to see! I find that I couldn't eat much as I can't help comparing myself and her. Then it occurred to me that I'm staring too much. Starring is something I simply HATE others to do, especially staring at me. Everyday in my life, I get stared at for looking for way I am, obese, fat, overweight, huge, oh! What horrible words! If I were going somewhere, walking, sitting, I would have the familiar feeling that someone is staring and when I turn to look, I'm right, most of the time. I'd ignore them if I'm tired or don't want to be bothered by it. But if I'm in a bad mood, I'll stare right back. When i'm in a really bad mood, I'd hold the stare till the other person looks away. Somehow I know, one day when I'm caught in a most foul mood, I'll definitely walk right up to a staring person, ask if they want to take a picture, if I owe them money or just mouth profanities at them. May the Lord have mercy on their souls then!

Anyway, back to Lady Snow Swan. As I try hard not to stare, I realize she didn't notice I was doing as the sight of her ever so slightly motivated me on my then worries of not doing so well in my diet. I haven't lost a kilo for the past 3 weeks despite my regular 45 mins exercise daily and watching what I eat. I wasn't dieting, for your info, I'm teaching myself to eat properly so as to change my lifestyle permanently and prevent yo-yo diet effects. Lady Butterfly made me feel how I want so badly to achieve my target weight again, to throw away my useless worries and just keep on fighting the good fight. Life still goes on, no use being all gloomy and sulky while I could turn what I saw into something to motivate me.

So, to all Lady Snow Swans out there, we, the ugly ducklings also notices you (not only the men) and we appreciate you showing off what you have, probably worked hard at it. Please don't mind us staring, we don't feel envy staring at you, we feel at awe. We hope to be like you one day. Thank you for your silent push.


  1. Just one word to the ugly duckling: I hope you remember the end of this fairy tale, when the duckling becomes a beautiful swan!!!

  2. that was why i used `ugly duckling', always hope, always dream that i'll eventually be a swan...sigh...
